Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Glimpse into 1935

Those of you who know me well, know I love the past and everything about it. I love to imagine what it was like when my grandmother was a child, a teenager, a young adult. I love to imagine my great grandmother and what it was like for her as well. I love to imagine what it would have been like for myself to live in the 50s, or the 40s, or the 30s etc. I love antique shopping. I love looking at each treasure and imagining who may have owned it and wondering at the fact that they had an entire story--and entire family--that they may still be around somewhere.

So I have this journal I just got. From a girl in her early 20s in 1935. Every day is filled in. Not much space to write, but yet somehow she writes so many details in each page's little space. I have started reading it--I have only gotten to mid February, but it is so amazing to read her thoughts, activities etc. There is also a boy she likes whom she calls "97". So cute!

I just wanted to share a few excerpts--hopefully you enjoy it as much as I have!

Diary of Ruth Hoffman
Carlisle, Pennsylvania

Weight: 139 Height: 5ft 5 in
Shoe Size: 6.5

"Tuesday, January 8th, 1935--
Still foggy, cloudy. Nothing much doing all day. Finished my tom. Wanted to go to class meeting this evening but said it was too foggy to drive. So I stayed at home and listened to Bing Crosby on radio."

"Saturday, January 19th, 1935--
We girls were in town this morning. Mary helped at a rummage sale so we didn't get hom til 11:30. This evening we were in town again and Esther and I saw "Home on the Range". It was a swell picture. Saw 97 this morning. Snowing all the time we were away."

"Sunday, February 3, 1935--
I was at Sunday School this morning. This evening Esther and I went to town to Dorthea's went with her to Christian Orthodox Church. She gave us ice cream. After we left we went to town for a cake and (Denae had the nerve to stop and ask us how came to town.)"

"Saturday, February 9, 1935--
Slippy! Slippy! Rain and everything sure is slippy. We were in town this morning. We were in town again this evening with Mary F. all evening. I saw 97 this evening but he didn't see me."

Cute huh?


  1. You are much like me in that respect--I love all of those things, too. How neat to have her journal! Is that a picture of her? She looks like Ginger Rogers!

  2. Where did you get the Diary from? Was it actually from an antique store or something? That sounds so cute!

  3. I LOVE this! Can you just imagine sitting in a cozy chair...a foggy, wet, evening outside...listening to Bing? It's dreamy! I love it!

  4. I think I read this wrong the first time. For some reason I thought this was your Grandma's journal from the 30s... It makes sense now.. :)
